Understand Human Nature

Assessment Manual Understand Human Nature

Does your Candidate know how to deal with people?


Understand Human Nature


The knowledge, insight or understanding of how people will respond to situations in general or what is likely to happen to people if they follow certain paths.

What the Trait is NOT

A measure of a person’s education level or an understanding of how to deal with people.

Closely Related Traits

  • Know-How to Deal with People
  • Initiative
  • Communication
  • Not Nice
  • Trainer
  • Humble
  • Fear
  • Solution Selling
  • Listening
  • Confront People.

Closely Related Tests

  • Predictor Profile
  • People and Logic Test

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Poor Range

Low Range

Less than 25. Because there is only one right answer out of 5 for each question, 20 could be achieved by just guessing answers.

Borderline Range

Borderline Range

26 to 44. If the trait “Know How to Deal with People” is High, than this person would have an average understanding of how to deal with or influence others positively. If both the “Know How to Deal with People” trait and this trait are low, this person would make a Poor supervisor of other people or would do Poorly when it came to knowing how to deal with or influence people. Competency and attitude on The Wimbush IC or SL and the Logic and attitude side of this test would have to be very high to make up for this.

Ok Range

Medium Range

45 to 60. If the trait “Know How to Deal with People” is also good, than this person would have an above average understanding of how to deal with people or influence others positively. If the “Know How to Deal with People” trait is low, this person would make a poor supervisor of other people or would do poorly when it came to knowing how deal with people or to influence people.

Good Range

High Range

61 to 100. If the trait “Know How to Deal with People” is also good, than this would indicate the person understands how people will respond to situations in general and will know how to influence others positively. If the Know How to Deal with People trait is low, this person would make a Borderline supervisor of other people or would do marginally when it came to knowing how to deal with people or to influence people.