Analytical Intelligence
Identify candidates with the logic to consistently solve problems
Test for analytical intelligence to hire employees with the logic to succeed on the job
Analytical Intelligence
One of the five main general competency traits. The ability to solve logical type problems, especially word problems. This one is not related to any of the four emotional competency traits.
Job Requirement
Needed for most jobs but especially for the more administrative, technical or analytical ones.
Special Note
For analytical intelligence it is usually recommend that the applicant takes one of our logic tests. If either the Word test results look good or the Logic test results look good then the person is likely to have enough analytical intelligence to do most jobs. However, for administrative assistant positions the word test results should be in the higher range regardless of the Logic test results.
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Extreme Low Range
0 to 24. Low scores on this trait show the person could lack ability to solve simple logical type problems. In some rare cases it is possible the person did not understand the words of the test itself especially if overall consistency of the assessment was low. In another rare case the person did poorly on the test because of his or her impatience. Even if you guessed at the answers you should get around 12. A salesperson could get a 20 score but still be great if the other emotional competencies are very high and little problem solving is necessary to do the job.
Low Range
25 to 45. These people can solve simple logical problems.
Medium Range
46 to 55. These people can solve simple or slightly more difficult logical problems.
High Range
56 to 70. These people have a good ability to solve most analytical and word problems.
Extreme High Range
71 to 100. These people have a very good ability to solve most analytical and word problems.
Interview Questions
During our research on competency, the Analytical Intelligence Trait or Word Test has always shown a significant relationship to competency especially in administration and analytical type positions.
This test was originally designed to measure if a person could read well enough to read the questions on the questionnaire.
- If people get a low score on the word test and answer the questionnaires inconsistently, then we know these people really did not understand the questions they were answering and therefore the results for these people are unreliable.
If a person does answer the other assessment questions consistently yet gets a low word test score, we know the problem is more likely to be low Analytical Intelligence, also known as IQ.
This word test is made up of 4 problems with a possible of 6 answers to each problem. So guessing at the answers is likely to give a 12% result. If the person can’t read English, he or she will have to guess at the answers. Even if the person can read, he or she will still need to work out the word puzzle which takes analytical intelligence.
Because the results of the Word test are part of the total competency result, it’s important that the person taking the test is not helped in figuring out the right word test answers. This is why it is always better to have the candidate do the assessment in your office or have them do the assessment at a controlled time somewhere else.
This short word test is only a very short test and is not timed. Most good IQ tests are far more extensive and they are timed. However, this little untimed test is remarkably accurate in giving us insights into a person’s general analytical intelligence.
Further Notes
During the mid 1990’s I did a lot of separate IQ testing to measure a person’s overall competence. This was before my research on Emotional Intelligence. But I could not maintain my client’s interest in those IQ results because they saw so little resemblance to IQ and employee production. Some of my new clients complained that previous IQ or Analytical Intelligence testing done by other vendors did not work for them either. Now in hindsight, I can see that general IQ testing as the sole indicator of competency, especially in non-analytical roles, is folly.
Research shows that analytical intelligence does play a role in an employee’s production especially in administrative and analytical roles, but it is only part of the bigger picture of competence. By far the bigger picture of competence is emotional intelligence which the Wimbush Assessments have been measuring for many years now. At a guess from the research results, many non-analytical roles only depend on analytical intelligence for about 10% of the competency. On the other hand, administrative, technical and analytical roles depend on analytical intelligence for as much as 25%. These roles are best suited to the Analytical/Logical personality types. Hardnosed research supports this as well. Therefore, the Wimbush Assessment now gives greater emphasis to analytical intelligence to those with an Analyzer/Logical personality. This is all calculated automatically for you but I thought you may like to know just how much of a role IQ plays in overall competency.
Our other skill and competency tests that are applicable to the job position being applied for are extremely effective in fully determining competency, especially when used with the word test results.