Pre-Employment Tests That Produce
Start Hiring Winners!

Hiring managers are always looking for the best talent to help their company grow so they have turned to us for our full range of HR solutions that work!

Top Rated Pre-Employment Tests for over 30 Years!

Scientifically Backed Candidate Assessments

Trusted by HR Managers, Small Business Owners, and executives of all industries

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Tried. Tested. Proven. Pre-Employment Tests

Improve your hiring process with proven recruiting tools, tests, and strategies!


Personality & Behavioral Assessment Testing

Identify the best personality fit for the role. These pre-employment tests help employers identify the best fit for the role by answering these main questions...

Behavioral & Personality fit- Is the candidate naturally inclined towards the position and would they enjoy doing it?

Work Ethic & Motivation - Does the candidate demonstrate a strong work ethic that will allow them to persevere through difficult situations?

Attitude & Integrity - Is the candidate an honest team player who will take responsibility for tasks and mistakes?


Cognitive & Aptitude Assessment Testing

Cognitive & aptitude testing is one of the best predictors of on the job success. Our pre-employment testing has been shown to be several times more effective than interviews and other common recruiting practices. These assessments helps answer these major questions:

Cognitive ability & aptitude - Does the candidate have a strong ability to learn quickly, problem-solve, and pay attention?

Interpersonal Skills - Is a candidate able to effectively interact with coworkers to drive business results?


Ability & Skills Assessment Testing

Measure Hard Skills so you Can Quickly Determine which Candidates can Succeed on the Job. Assessing a candidate's skills through an interview or reading a resume is extremely difficult. These pre-employment tests allow you to avoid misleading and inaccurate information about a prospective candidate, so you only spend time with the best candidates that are right for you!


The Hire Talent is a pre-employment testing service that measures personality traits and aptitude abilities to ensure your candidates will be an excellent performance fit for your organization!

Are you a job seeker looking for how
to ace your pre-employment tests?

Who Exactly is The Hire Talent?

We Help Amazing Leaders Hire Great People! We make hiring the best talent more predictive, faster and easier for HR Executives and business leaders. We deliver world class Pre-employment testing, recruitment software, and performance management solutions. Our tools enable companies to execute their talent acquisition and development strategies better, faster and easier.

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