Hiring Resources Blog

Hiring Strategies

The 7 Stages to an Optimized Hiring Process

Our 30 Years Helping Hundreds of Businesses Hire the Best Talent
Has Proven that this Hiring Processes Consistently Produces Top Performers.

Start Optimizing any Stage in your Hiring Process:

Pre-Screening Candidates: How to Do It Effectively to Make Smarter Hires

Pre-Screening Candidates: How to Do It Effectively to Make Smarter Hires

Pre screening is a critical tool in any employer’s toolbelt. When done effectively, pre screening prioritizes high-potential candidates and weeds…

How HR Experts Do It

Reference Checking: How HR Experts Do It

See the reference checking method that predicted productivity for 25,000 new hires. Reference checking has been standard hiring practice for…

How to Hire Employees Successfully

How to Hire Employees Successfully and Consistently?

As a leader, the ability to hire employees successfully is one of the most important skills you can develop. A…

Science of A-Player Hiring

Science of A-Player Hiring After his two businesses nearly killed him, Richard made it his mission to ensure other entrepreneurs…

The Cost of Hiring

The True Cost of Hiring We know that it’s going to cost money to hire a new employee. That’s a…

how to perform a reference check

30+ Reference Check Questions to Learn More about Your Candidates’ Background

Reference checking is a vital part of your recruitment process. You can base your hiring decision on the candidates’ resumes,…

social recruit strategies and tips

Social Media Recruiting Tips to Know and Implement

Social media recruiting is a modern talent acquisition tactic combining employer branding, recruitment marketing, and employee referral strategies. As modern…

how to improve candidate experience

Improve Candidate Experience to Boost Hiring Performance

As we mentioned a couple of times before, candidate experience is more than just a buzzword in HR; it is…

recruiting strategies

7 Modern Recruitment Strategies to Consider this Year

Most companies’ recruitment strategies boil down to posting job ads and waiting for the right candidates to apply. While the…

employer branding strategies

Why You Need an Employer Branding Strategy Right Now

Some companies hire the best talent on the market, while others struggle to attract qualified candidates. What is the difference…

how to find employees fast

11 Solutions to Find Employees More Efficiently

As we said on previous occasions, the hiring process has become harder and lengthier these days. However, companies and recruiters…

Headhunters interviewing female job candidate

How Automated Reference Checking Saves You from Hiring Mistakes

Candidate reference checking is quite a hot debate among hiring managers. The advocates claim that it yields tremendous benefits: it…

employment referrals

Employee Referral Strategies | A Few Things to Consider

“Employee referrals are by far the number one source for the best new hires,” concludes every study ever on the…

Optimizing The Hiring Process_Shaun Martin

Attracting the Right Talent with the Right Job Ad with Shaun Martin

Fletcher Wimbush talks with Shaun Martin, author of “Hack Your Hiring: The Tactical Playbook to Find, Evaluate, and Hire A+…

talent acquisition strategies

Talent Acquisition Strategies: The Ultimate Path to Business Success

Talent acquisition is not a new thing. Competitive businesses have been practicing talent acquisition strategies for years. The core of…