How Easy is it to Come up with new or artistic ideas?
Test Candidates for the Creativeness Trait to Hire People who Bring Creative Solutions to the Table
The tendency and desire to explore different ways of doing things or seeing things or being artistic.
This trait describes how easy or difficult it is for the person to come up with new and different or artistic ideas. How mentally flexible the person is.
What the Trait is NOT
This trait does not measure the quality of the new ideas or artistic ability. However, people strong in this trait usually come up with enough different ideas to spark good ideas in others and have good artistic talents.
Closely Related Traits
- Impulsiveness
- Talking
- Warm and Social
Closely Related Tests
Predictor Profile
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Extreme Low Range
0 to 4. This person will be stuck in routines. May not be flexible.
Low Range
5 to 39. This person is more comfortable following the same routine than thinking about changing it. May not be mentally flexible.
Medium Range
40 to 60. Shows a good balance between following routines and coming up with different or artistic changes.
High Range
61 to 95. This person loves thinking up new ideas or doing artistic projects. Flexible.
Extreme High Range
96 to 100. This person could be so artistic they overlook the practical. Flexible.
For Manager Empathy
Test for the Creativeness trait for positions that require coming up with new solutions or problem-solving.
Positions such as accounting or administrative work do not require high levels of creativeness.