Expressive / Social Quadrant
Expressive Social Quadrant
Expressive / Social Quadrant
Basic Tendencies (Always present)
A comfort and interest in talking, telling and being sociable.
Tendencies (Often but not always)
A comfort and interest in talking and telling more than listening. Also, having fun and being fashionable.
Personality Overview
Comfortable about personal disorganization and acting spontaneously. Also, a comfort in being extroverted when interacting with complete strangers. Prefers dealing with the big picture than the minute details.
What the Trait is NOT
This quadrant doesn’t measure a person’s ability to communicate but it usually indicates his or her ability to verbally express ideas well.
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Closely Related Traits
- Talking
- Warm and Social
- Calling Comfort
- Impulsive
Opposite Traits
- Organization
- Attention to Detail
- Confront Paperwork
- Low Impulsive.
Extreme Low Range
0-2. This level shows the person feels uncomfortable with talking to others and being in social settings with unfamiliar people. They are usually the quiet ones. They will tend to avoid people contact if they can get away with it. There is no indication of an attitude problem.
Low Range
(One of the three lowest quadrant scores with the greatest difference between it and the Analyzer/Logical one.) Low scores on this trait show the person feels uncomfortable with verbally explaining themselves and being in social settings with unfamiliar people. They are usually the quiet ones.
Medium Range
In this range, people are neither uncomfortable nor interested in verbally expressing themselves too much or being social chatter boxes.
High Range
(One of the three highest quadrant scores with the greatest difference between it and the Analyzer/Logical one.) In this range, these people like to talk and talk, socialize and lack interest in listening to others. They can easily be seen as the “life of the party.” Having fun and being fashionable are important to them. These people procrastinate on doing paperwork and would prefer not to do detail work. These people are the opposite of the Analyzer/Logical.
Extreme High Range
95-100 (Top score). In this range, the person likes to talk and talk, socialize and prefers not to listen. They are often the “life of the party.” They might be compulsive talkers where no one can get a word in edgeways. Having fun and being fashionable are important to them. These people usually procrastinate on doing paperwork and would prefer not to do detail work. There is no indication of an attitude problem. These people are the opposite of the Analyzer/Logical.
Best Job Roles for Expressive Social People
Promoting, sales presenting, relationship selling, lecturing, teaching to groups, politicking, public relation handling, announcing.