Do your candidates have the ability to focus on the most important priorities, get them done, and listen to others?
Test Candidates for the focus Trait to Hire People who get the most important priorities completed first and get results

One of the four main general emotional competency traits. This one is closely related to the Concentration trait. The ability to place one’s attention on the most important priorities and get them done and the ability to listen to others.
If people are able to focus, they can listen to what is needed, prioritize their actions and meet customer and management deadlines.
Those who can’t focus go from activity to activity and are easily sidetracked. They may look busy or normal but don’t get results. This type of weakness may also show up with an extremely high ability to apply trait.
What the Trait is NOT
A desire or willingness to focus. It is more the ability to focus
Closely Related Trait
- Concentration
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Extreme Low Range
0 to 20. Low scores on this trait show the person lacks the ability to listen to what is needed or to place one’s attention on the most important priorities and get them done. Scores in this range are extremely rare.
Low Range
20 to 45. Low scores on this trait show the person could lack the ability to listen, to place one’s attention on the most important priorities and get them done. The type of job position makes a big difference to a high or low score on this trait. For example, this is what a client said about an applicant who got a 39 on focus and 40 on concentration, “Focuses on tasks that are non essential.”
Medium Range
46 to 60. The borderline reading on this trait is 50.
High Range
60 to 100. These people have the ability to listen to what is needed or to place their attention on the most important priorities and get them done.
For Manager Empathy
Focus is needed for almost every single position. This is emphasized even more for technical and administrative roles.