
Need for speed or patiently waiting?

Do your candidates get irritated when others are slow or do they wait patiently?




The tolerance a person feels when experiencing other people’s inactivity, slowness or delay or by slow equipment.

It measures how much inner calm people feel when others or things prevent them from taking immediate action.

What the Trait is NOT

A description of Apathy.

Closely Related Traits

• Low Impulsiveness
• Low Competitiveness
• Low Ability to Apply

Closely Related Tests

Predictor Profile

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Low Range

Extreme Low Range

0 to 4. These people have a very high level of urgency. They get very frustrated with equipment or people they feel are moving too slowly. They are intolerant of other’s stupidity. Their impatience can drive them to do a less than thorough job as they focus on getting things done yesterday.

Poor Range

Low Range

5 to 39. These people have a high level of urgency. They get frustrated with equipment or people they feel are moving too slowly. They get frustrated with others stupidity. Their impatience can drive them to do a less than a thorough job as they focus on getting things done. These people make good managers, leaders and salespeople. They make horrible teachers, nurses, social workers and customer service people.

Borderline Range

Medium Range

40 to 60. Shows good balance of tolerance for slowness and inconvenience but also a good balance of urgency in getting something done. This trait in this range would not adversely affect any position.

Ok Range

High Range

61 to 95. These people are quite tolerant of delays, stupidity, slowness and inconvenience. They lack a sense of urgency. These people make good teachers, nurses, social workers and customer service people. This is not a good range for leaders, managers and salespeople. WARNING: If “Assertiveness” and “Competitiveness are low, these people will not make good managers or sales closers.

Good Range

Extreme High Range

96 to 100. These people are very tolerant of delays, stupidity, slowness and inconvenience. They lack a sense of urgency. This is not an indicator of attitude problems.

Interview Questions

Do you enjoy showing someone how to do something?

How would you react to someone who was slow, from your viewpoint, to respond to your request?

What would be your reaction if your direct flight is delayed an hour when you arrive at the airport?

For Manager Empathy

Not all job positions require patience, in fact many are hurt by it.

Top performing managers, leaders, and salespeople are often impatient while Teachers, nurses, social workers, and customer service people all require patience.

Supervisor Strengths