Candidate Scorecard
Get consistent hiring results from every interview
Our Candidate Scorecard allows any interviewer to get the same results as a hiring manager with 20+ years of experience.
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"Swear by their pre-employment assessments. I'm learning to NOT hire without using these tests and trusting them completely. If you're looking for the top candidates, this will certainly help weed out those not in the higher tiers" - 5/5 star verified Trustpilot review

How the Candidate Scorecard Works:
Objectively select top performers in 3 Steps
Identify the traits you want in a candidate
Create custom questions designed to score candidates on your selected traits
Score candidates during interviews and consistently select top performers, no matter the interviewer
Take the Blindfold Off
Interviewing without set goals & clearly defined KPIs is like playing darts with a blindfold on.
You might hit the board a few times, but you’ll never consistently hire the best talent.
Create the Most Effective Interview Process You've Ever Had with The Candidate Scorecard